The Greatest Role

The Ark of the Covenant
The Ark of the Covenant

1 Chronicles 17:1-15
– David became aware of his lifestyle of luxury in the palace while the Ark of the Lord remained outdoors under a tent.
– He set out to continue the commitment he previously made to build a temple for the Lord.
– God was with David (verse 2 & 8) and altered this plan for the betterment of David.
– David would not be the one chosen to build God’s temple, but his offspring would.

One of my deepest desires is to someday be a Women’s Ministry Leader. It has always been a dream of mine to help women, but now that I know more about the Bible, I wish to do so in a permanent way by sharing with others how God has taught me to utilize the scriptures in every situation, how to transform my thoughts through Godly perspective, and how to seek the Word as the ultimate authority and my unfailing support system. In my first year as a Christian, I noticed that the roles of leadership I assumed brought me closer to that goal were given to others and not to me. I became hopeless, envious and discouraged. After a great time of self-evaluation and prayer, I saw how prideful and ungrateful I had become and completely missed the wonderful role that God had intended for me to have – to simply be a “helper”. I also lacked the right heart behind the position I aimed for, and it was God’s grace that spared me some heartache and trial. Once I focused in on my new role of being a “servant to all”, I found myself happier than ever before. The Lord showed me more and more each day how serving, encouraging, loving and pulling people in to become united was tailored to my character, and that in this role, I could still be a great help. With this newfound glorious position without a “title”, and without any recognition that God so systematically placed me in, I have come to true contentment. This peace could only come from one perspective change. It is that my worth is not in a role, but in God.

Questions for Reflection:
Q: Have you fallen into a luxurious lifestyle and forgotten your duties to God?
Q: What has God called for you to do and in what ways have you submitted and surrendered to it?
Q: How content are you with where you’re currently at?

1 Chronicles 17:16-27
– David may have been king but he had true reverence for the one and only King.
– He not only saw God’s hand in every victory he had but he was grateful for every challenge and lesson as well.
– David trusted God’s plan and promise even if it was not what he expected.
– God blessed his household forever.

When I think of the relationship between David and God, I feel very comforted. God chose David among many amazing men to be king. He brought him many victories, personally blessed him, and raised him up in everything he did. God showed how He valued David’s plan by altering it to make it happen. I believe He is doing that with me as well. God not only brought an incredible young woman to my life, but helped me relate to her through our past, to be a great friend, to show her God’s will for her life in the scriptures, to baptize her, to disciple her, and now raise her up to be a Leader in the Church. My dream came true after all. God’s plan is perfect and when we submit to it, we have the opportunity to change many lives, and more importantly, our own.

Questions for Reflection:
Q: Do you believe God is working for your dreams to come true?
Q: If so, where do you see plans being altered for the betterment of your future?

1 – Evaluate your life, your heart and your plan. Make the decision to make all three match God’s.
2 – Write down three areas where God has personally made your dream come true in the role you’re in.
3 – Have confidence in who God made you to be, not who you saw yourself as.


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