Brave Heart

Brave Heart

Brave Heart
Brave Heart

1 Chronicles 8:40
– The sons of Ulam were brave warriors.
– They could handle their bow.
– They multiplied themselves.

Are you brave?

Brave = “To be ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.”

“He was a brave soldier.”

One of the things I’ve struggled with my whole life is pain. Enduring it is definitely not one my strengths, but it has certainly taught me a few key things. Pain is essential. If you want to give love or receive love, it takes true perseverance. From the age five and up, I was physically, sexually and emotionally abused. I got to a place where I didn’t want to “feel” anymore. I didn’t see the need for trusting or “opening up.” I ran to things that took any and all emotion out of me such as music, dance, drugs, and relationships. When all was said and done, I found myself empty and alone. The emptiness inside of me prompted me to run in a direction I never thought I would: God. With Him I’ve learned what true trust and love is. (I John 4:18) He showed me that this world wasn’t the safe and secure place that I thought it was, but that only He was. He became my safe zone and my refuge, which gave me the courage to forgive and move on. With His help I’ve been able to see pain as a blessing, and now I love helping other young women find the positives in negative situations. Pain has refined my character, showed me my weak areas and ultimately trained me to be ready for the next battle. 

Questions for reflection:
Q: How do you deal with pain?
Q: Do you numb it or embrace it?
Q: Can you handle correctly your bow? (The Word of God)

1 Chronicles 9:1
– The people of Judah were taken captive because of their unfaithfulness.
– We can all fall into a trap if we don’t know our Bible well enough, and can be lead astray by other’s opinions of the scriptures versus what the Word actually says.
– We must study the Bible often so that we’re never led astray.

1 Chronicles 9:13

Are you able?

Able = “Having considerable skill, proficiency, or intelligence.”

“The dancers were technically very able.”

Questions for reflection:
Q: How often do you cultivate your skills?
Q: Do you share them with others?

– If you watch and listen to others do something skillfully, it may inspire you but if you are not personally attempting to do it yourself, you’ll never be able to be trained in it.
– Bravery takes action. Action takes courage. Courage takes hope.

“Never stop looking for what’s not there.” -Monte Wildhorn

1 – Be trained through pain and suffering.
2 – Be brave in everything you do.
3 – Learn how to properly use the Word
4 – Trust the soldiers around you with your life.


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